uploads/hind quarters.jpg

hind quarters (四腿動物的)兩條后腿。


To remedy which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his fodder in their apronlaps and as soon as his belly was full he would rear up on his hind quarters to show their ladyships a mystery and roar and bellow out of him in bull s language and they all after him 為了不使其受累,工于心計之婦人及姑娘乃將飼料兜在圍裙中為彼送去。飽餐后,彼用后腿立起,供太大小姐一窺奧秘,并以公牛之語既吼且叫,伊等聲效之。 ”

Impulsion is the term used to describe the transmission of an eager and energetic , yet controlled , propulsive energy generated from the hind quarters into the athletic movement of the horse 前進氣勢這個術語,是用來描述從馬匹后軀產生的推動力,迅速有力又有節制地傳遞到競技動作中去。

Axl ' s hind quarters were so bad 埃克斯的后腿不太好